Friday, October 14, 2011

I am still excellent

I am writing this blog on Katy's behalf because Katy cannot type yet (Annie - Katy's sister over from the uk)

Had operation last Friday where the excellent surgeon cut out 99% of the grade 4 tumour.  I was home the next day - less tham 24 hours after having the op!!  Karl and I are so grateful to have such wonderful friends who stayed with Karl at the hospital all day.  My speech isn't too great but is improving every day, as are my facial symptoms.  The tumour will remain at grade 4 - that will not change.  But - I will fight like fuck! I have appointments next week to discuss the next stage of my treatment which will be chemo and radiotherapy.  I will also have occupational therapy, physical therapy and speech therapy.  As soon as I can I will be riding again.  In another 5 weeks - don't tell Karl!!

We would like to say a huge thank you to all our friends who have helped in all different ways - we could not do this without you.

I am also over the moon to have my awesome sister with me who has flown over from England to make me laugh.  (Ok, that was Annie writing that but I think my speech therapy methods are working - contact me for more information on this!!)


  1. Thank goodness, or would it be excellence!!!! Keep your head up and plow through this. The brain has an incredible way to re-learn how to tick.


  2. Thank you so much for the update..Our prayers are with you and glad to hear you are doing a lot better...You are in our thoughts every day,still if you need anything please call even if you want Alyssa to go to the barn and just give treats to your babies,,,We are barn moms..

  3. Hear, hear !!! Fight like f*ck !!!!! :D x x Thinking of you all x

  4. Have been praying for you. So happy to hear that the surgeon was able to remove 99%. The brain is resilient and you will improve. You have alot of support and that will be a tremendous help.
