Wednesday, February 29, 2012

2nd MRI - good

The MRI was 8:30 this morning and then we saw the neuro-onco at 11.

Overall very good:

Tumor reduced in size
Less enhancement under the contrast agent (gadolinium)

"Small" area of gliosis in original GBM site from radiation, no flair. Too small to do anything, may just go. Not great news but to be expected given the circumstances.

Neuro-onco very happy that not only is the tumor stable (no growth), but has again shrunk. This tumor will not go away, but the idea is to keep it stable. i.e. no growth.

Start next round of Temador tonight for 5 days.
Avastin infusion fine, repeat in two week.
Will reduce the steroids by .5 mg after this round of chemo ends.
Next MRI in 2 months unless anything changes.

Feel very  happy about all.

Riding Champ tomorrow:)


  1. Yay!!!! This is incredible news, Katy. So pleased to hear it. :)

  2. Katy - That's excellent news. Your plan is working.

  3. Katy, that is great news. We are all thinking of you and everyone sends their best wishes. All our love Chris, Judith, William, Katie-May & Florence
