Wednesday, February 15, 2012

steroids etc.

I had a dreadful chemo week (1 Feb). I originally put it down to not getting enough rest before the chemo but I literally slept Sat - Tues. I asked Karl to call the neuro - onco who said it was most likely the drop in decadron (4 - 2 ). She immediately put me back up and I have been feeling a little better.

It was very scary, sleeping all of the time, talking going downhill, stumbling. All because of the decadron dosage reduction. I was annoyed that they did the reduced decadron at the same time as the Temodar as it made it hard to tell what was going on.

I am slowing recovering, but still very tired and scared. I would rather stay at 4mg and take any side effects than go though that. MRI in two weeks which I am looking forward to (kind of)

The next round of Temodar (same day as the MRI Feb 29th) will be at a dose increased from 250mg to 300mg. Then 2 months after that will it be put up to 350mg. I had no idea that they did that. I bet I feel that more than my current dosage.

I had the Avastin infusion today which is always "fun", the nurses really are the best.

I only got to do one day of the horse camp and yesterday was the first time I have got on a horse since then. I am riding again tomorrow, always the best.

Speech therapy is great as usual. Even when I show up tired and not very motivated she always manages to get the best out of me, keeping my results on target without it seeming like work. What a great teacher.

To end on a good note - riding at 10am and then speech at 1:45.


  1. Love to hear that you got some riding time in. Glad the rain didn't prohibit you from riding. xoxo you.

  2. Rudri - it would take more than a little rain:)

  3. So glad you are able to enjoy some peace and pleasure through your rides in the midst of this.

  4. Katy, so glad that you got to ride and that even though you thought the speech therapy teacher was 'mean' at the beginning that you can see the progress with her help.
    Always the best to you and the family - Bruce
