Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Children and Nightmares

Maybe I am giving this more thought than it needs but both children are having nightmares on a regular basis. Astrid has them most nights and they break my heart.  They are often about the family getting attacked by a variety of monsters. She has wings so can fly away.  Once she told me that she ripped off one of her wings to give to me so that I could escape too.  It did not stick so I still couldn't escape. It took all of my strength not to break down and cry with her. I told her to keep her wings and escape.

Alexander has also been having the same type of dreams of monsters attacking the family.

Maybe this is normal for this age group but I cannot help thinking  that they are worried about me. I think that at some stage in the future we will have to consider counseling, but I don't want to give this tumor more visibility in their lives than it deserves right now. They have no idea (I think), how serious this is.


  1. Katy It's Sue Alyssa's grandma..I just read your blog and had no idea what has been going on with you..I ran across it late last night and couldn't sleep at all. I know what a strong woman you are and you will beat anything that comes your way.I'm just sorry that you had to go threw this. If you need a sitter,or anything like taking the kids for a play day I'm there for you and the kids.I would make sure they were safe and very happy..If you need just to talk I'm there for you always,I'm sure you have a lot of great friends that are doing the same..Where are you ridding now at what barn? After Yonnie died I put Willey at a barn in Rio Verde and I hardly see him.He's in a field happy and well taken care of.I sent Penny out to ky to look at some horses for me,but again who will train? How is your horse doing? Do you get to ride much? Just know you are in my thoughts and prayers and please keep up with the blog.Thanks take care Sue

  2. Hi Sue,
    Thank you so much for your thoughts, I really appreciate it. I ride alot and it is one of the things keeping me sane right now. I am at WhiteStar stables with Matthew Roberts and love it there. Take care, Katy
