Monday, August 22, 2011

Tumor Perspective from the children

Of course being 8 and 5, the children know something is up with Mummy but to them I am invincible. I explained to them that the doctor took pictures of my brain (which I showed them), and found something that should not be there which he needed to take out and look at to see what it is. Of course they wanted to know how he did it. I showed them the stitch ("cool"), and the hole with bruise ("wow how did they bolt your head to the table?").  Being the engineer that he is destined to be my 8 year old son wanted to know how they got my brain out from such a small hole.  I told him they sucked it  out with a needle. He then looked concerned and asked if they put it back in.  When I said no, he thought for a moment and asked what they did with it. "Is the doctor a zombie?  Did he eat it?".  I said that I was pretty sure that he was not a zombie doctor and that he did not eat it.  That seemed to satisfy him. Too much Scooby Doo I think.Of course nothing is a secret to them so the cub house lady at the local grocery store knows all about it, Astrid wanted me to tell all of her friends about "what happened to  your brain Mummy".  This is when I realized that it would probably be easier to tell people rather than not. 

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