Tuesday, August 23, 2011

On weight loss

For the record, I have lost approximately 30lb since February.  This has been due to hard work and strength of will  after the LPR diagnosis.  This coupled with a large dose of fear about waking up choking made my "no eating or drinking after 7pm" diet a success. The weight loss is not due to the Tumor (not sure why it deserves capitalization, I think the next reference will diminish it with a lower case t.).  This is my ideal weight and still a little over my pre-children weight when I was skinny.

That is not to say that once I start the chemo that my weight will not drop.  If it does you can blame the tumor then and bring on the cookies:) 

But currently, I deserve the credit, NOT the tumor:)


  1. Beware, I do not know the root cause, but since I've been on Chemo my sweet tooth has grown from non-existent to bigger than my head. Although I basically cannot eat for a week out of the month, I have gained almost 10 pounds.

  2. Oh, thanks for the warning! I will be buying my gummi bears in bulk then. I will have to ask Costco to stock them.

  3. Hey lady, you rocked the swimsuit on Sunday afternoon! Credit to you for getting to that pre-baby weight. I want to get to the pre stretch mark days. :)

  4. Battle scars Rudri, wear them with pride:)
