Monday, September 12, 2011

First round of Temodar Chemo over

Last night was that 5th and last tablet for this month.  The good news is that I did not experience any of the nausea and vomiting that is common. I do have really bad constipation (common) though and next month I will follow the advice of a fellow LGG friend and start the prevention rather than cure method. Now I begin the wait before the next round starts.

Days 7-10 are supposed to be when you have the lowest blood counts (white and red blood cells and platelets), this makes you susceptible to illness and you are supposed to avoid situations where you  might catch something.  School are children are the most germ filled creatures known so I am not sure how I am supposed to do that.s

One down 23 to to go


  1. You are doing incredibly well - I've been rooting for you along with lots of other UK friends. Have alcohol hand cleanser by the garage door for the children to use when they get in from school. I know it doesn't seem much but they do that in hospitals so it must help a bit!!

    I am so incredibly proud of how you are coping with this but don't forget it is also ok to have a good bawl now and then and you only have to pick up the phone to me to do that! Love you sis xxx

  2. I really do bathe my kids I swear so they can't be too germ-infested can they?!?! Maybe you need to install one of those chemical bath type set ups as you enter the house from the garage so all germs are rinsed off before they even enter the home? My husband is leaving tomorrow for London so I'm wondering if there is anything he can bring you from the UK that would hit the spot right about now? I shouldn't admit it since I was in college at the time but he and I were once totally addicted to Strongbow Cider so that was always a treat when he came back :-) Stay strong!!

  3. The thing you need to worry about the kids picking up from school is that round of lice from Rm9!! Yuck!! I'm proud of you too and so glad that you didn't have any side effects that a large bottle of Miralax can't cure! :) We had to use this when a certain someone was small and the dr described this to us as "Magic Poop Powder". Sorry, prob TMI.....

    Yes, maybe throw the children into the shower as soon as they get home and bath them with rubber gloves on.

  4. Anna - Thank you. Today was a bawling kind of day. I think that I was so fatigued with not having enough to eat, coupled with the chemo that it all caught up.

    Barb - They are all germ infested. The first year Alexander started in day care he came with every disease known to man kind. Thank you for the offer of some English treats, the only things I would like wouldn't fit in a suitcase:(

    Heather - I am ready with the Miralax for next time. That class had multiple bouts of lice lice year too. I so hope we don't get it. I should start the prevention for that too.
