Thursday, September 1, 2011

Hitting the Tickle Spot

It all started with my failed attempt to make Alexander a Lego cake for his birthday party in July.
It was so funny looking and swamp green when I aimed for bright vibrant Lego green. I just could not stop laughing.  The type of uncontrollable giggles I remember getting when sent to the principal's office at school.  Since then the slightest thing sets me off. Karl thinks that it is cute and a way of releasing stress and tension.  I think that the tumor is hitting my tickle spot (is there such a place in the brain?) and I am regressing to little girl giggles.  It could be worse.


  1. The sweet and innocent thing is the kids love it when they see mommy or daddy giggle like a little kid so giggle away! I'm also curious to see if I figured out how to post so I can keep in touch with your thoughts during this process. This blog must be so cathartic for you to share your thoughts and not have to repeat so many times. I wish you strength, resolve, giggles and much love from all those around you.

  2. Barb - you are one of the few who have figured it out, please share on FaceBook!

    The children love it but probably also think that I am crazy:)

  3. You are in our thoughts and prayers : ). Love the giggles : ). Positive thoughts.

    Lynn Ladd (Sarah Ladd's Mom)

  4. It reminds me of the cake you made me for my birthday once. I think it was blue! xx

  5. Anna - I clearly have a talent for baking:)

  6. Well maybe you do, but not for decoration!! I really like the idea of having a tickle spot and Im certain I have one!! It is normally activated at the most inappropriate moments!xxx
