Sunday, September 4, 2011

More smaller seizures

So this morning Karl "allowed" me to brush my front teeth (with supervision), with no ill effects.  Later I thought that I would rinse my mouth with mouth wash. I didn't really swoosh much and and certainly did no gargling however I felt a seizure coming on.  It seemed milder so I dialed Karl and walked out to the living room.. I managed to stand up and breathe through it. It was shorter and I knew that I could stop it from progressing to the point I felt I had to lie down.  I drooled and Astrid watching me said "ooh gross Mummy" with a fascinated look on her face.

Karl was angry with me for what he called "sneaking into mouthwash".  I mean come on Karl  it's just mouth wash. I usually take really god care of my teeth with brushing and flossing every day, this is hard for me.

I have been having minor sensations of an impending seizure on and off all day but no others have gone full blown. I Googled and found a lot of sites that say this does not necessarily mean a change in the tumor, and a few others that said the opposite of course.

Come on appointments, I am ready to fight this thing and I want to do it now.


  1. Oh Katy! I hope the healing comes soon and quickly,

  2. Agree- hope that Tuesday gets here very soon.....

  3. Sorry, Shouldhave is me- Heather.....I have this great idea that I will start a blog called "I Should Have Been A Librarian" where I write up book reviews. I am always writing the reviews in my head so thought I would put them on paper. I got as far as naming my blog in Google last week....I'll let you know if I make any progress :)

  4. oh ffs! **^*&%^$&^&*^&*(&(( etc etc!

    Can I just say as well how much I hate the fact that you live 3000 miles away from me so I cant do anything to help. You cant imagine how much I want to hug you right now!

    Love you big sis xx

  5. Katy -
    Tooth care is one thing the oncologist forgot to tell me about. My dentist told me I need to be vigilant about tooth care during chemo. The chemo gives you dry mouth, which is horrible for the teeths. Some suggestions...use single-use floss on a handle to keep your hands out of your mouth (prevent any gag reflex). Use Prevident tooth paste and ACT (non-alcoholic)fluoride mouth wash. At a minimum, mix things up and try different products and methods. Some seizures are sensitive to time of day, so perhaps mix up your schedule. Install a doorbell or put a hand held bell or an air horn in the bathroom to get Karl's attention. How 'bout some relaxing pics in the bathroom. Wish you the best....

  6. Wishing you lots of love and luck during your appointments today.
