Thursday, September 15, 2011

Recovering from first chemo round

One down, 11 to go.

I did really well the 5 days that I took the pill, then the next three days I could hardly move.  My appetite was nil which was doubly bad as I have not been able to eat solid food for about a week before due to the seizures.  Only today Thursday (Day 9) have I been able to step up the food.  I need to try to put on about 10lb and keep it that way through the radiaton. I will be more prepared with anti-nausea meds, Miralax, and some people seems to think that exercise helps.  I cannot do the horse show that I wanted to do this weekend, but I will certainly try to ride a couple of times next weeks.

While puking  kept on thinking how I got through it during pregnancy so can do it now:)

I have heard that they might reduce the chemo dosage while doing the radiation.  I hope so. Nobody said that this would easy, but I need to be prepared.

On a good note, I am so lucky to have some wonderful friends helping out with getting the children in and out school. And a husband who will not let me out of sight. Also flowers and chocolates arrived today, which can only be a good thing, especially to help with the weight gain:)

Two more weeks before Disney so I should be doing OK then.


  1. Round 1 goes to KATY!!! She comes back strong with a well thought out plan for round 2. She will not accept failure. She is strong. She is a woman to inspire all women. YOU GO GIRL!!!!

  2. Keep thinking about how much fun Disney will be. :)

  3. Katy I have just the thing for gaining weight. If you dont mind sending me your address I can hook you up. I know I SHOULD have your address from all the many many times we were July swap buddies but I cant find it.
    Your doing great! Keep going!

  4. Oh man. Iam not the most computer savy as you remember. That above comment was from SamanthaL.

  5. You are going to enjoy every minute of Disneyland with the kids. I can't wait to hear about it. xoxo
